I often referred to myself in my progressive talk radio days as the “Red State Refugee.” But now when people ask me why I’ve moved away from Idaho, I tell them, “Go to Google News and type in ‘Idaho.’” Between being the only Western state to completely criminalize marijuana and now criminalizing nearly every abortion and transporting a girl across state lines to access one, police chiefs caught up in racism scandals, and the ever-present white nationalists and anti-government conspiracy loons, there’s a lot to run from in the state of Idaho.
So it occurred to me that I should come up with a Red State Refugee design and with the help of artifical intelligence, I now have it. Go west, young women. The rest of the Pacific Northwest (the actual “Pacific” part) welcomes you all with open arms.

Red State Refugees Welcome Ladies Relaxed T-Shirt
When people ask me why I’ve moved away from Idaho, I tell them, “Go to Google News and type in ‘Idaho.’” Between being the only Western state to completely criminalize marijuana and now criminalizing nearly every abortion and transporting a girl across state lines to acces…