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“Radical” Russ Belville

Looking for the writings and recordings of “Radical” Russ Belville? See RadicalRuss.com.


  • Generation-X Brand, with picture of boy drinking from a garden hose, captioned "Our bottled water was a garden hose."
  • Generation-X Brand with a cartoon of an excited office worker in front of an old CRT monitor with the speech bubble "You've Got Mail!" from AOL, and the caption "We were once excited about email"
  • Generation-X Brand with illustration of a line of children holding hands with their backs to us, chanting "RED ROVER, RED ROVER," and the caption "Our playgrounds were battlegrounds"
  • Generation-X Brand with a surprised cartoon mouse surrounded by computers, looking at a computer mouse, and the caption "Our mice had BALLS!"
  • Generation-X Brand with picture of numerous types of tapes and discs, with the caption "We've bought the same album on vinyl, 8-track, cassette, AND disc"
  • Generation-X Brand with a picture of two young children standing in an arcade playing video games, with the caption "Our cheat codes was another roll of quarters"
  • Generation-X Brand with picture of a nuclear mushroom cloud and the caption "Our classroom feared school nukings"
  • Generation-X Brand with an illustration of five teens running from an explosion and the caption "Our screw-ups didn't 'go viral' (Thank God for that!)"
  • Generation-X Brand with a painting of three children playing at dusk below streetlights and the caption, "Streetlights are on, time to go home!"
  • Generation-X Brand with a picture of a teen sitting on the floor watching an old TV with a flag on the screen and the caption "We remember when TV ended for the day"

Generation-X is my lifestyle brand specifically for those born 1965–1980, like me. We are the bridge between the analog generations and the digital generations, so we share a unique culture and outlook. These products make a perfect gift for those aunts and uncles who are too young to be Boomers and too old to be Millennials, or anyone else who can remember drinking water from a hose, cleaning the balls on your mice, “The Day After,” television ending after the National Anthem, or where you’d better be when the streetlights come on.

White People

There’s a particular MAGA sticker that displays the words “We the People” in the traditional Constitutional font. Often it is followed by “Are Pissed Off” or “Have Had Enough.” But if you squint a little, it kind of looks like “White People.” And so, my new anti-MAGA sticker set was born.

Remember… if none of these apply to you, you may not be white. It’s possible that you are just Caucasian.


Driving around Idaho and rural Oregon, I get to see just about every variation of a MAGA meme there is as a sticker plastered to some tough guy’s pickup truck. So I like to satirize those memes for my own versions.

These will also include the White People Collection and my Queer designs.

OG Toker

My OG Toker line is for all the original gangstas who’ve been toking the ocean grown since back in the day. The kind of people who measure marijuana by fingers, weigh it in baggies, and exhale it through toilet paper tubes stuffed with dryer sheets when they visit a Joint for Jail state.

Tilted Leaf™

Tilted Leaf™ is my brand meant to celebrate the continuing emancipation of the cannabis plant. The cannabis leaf is silhouetted against your western state and colored to match your favorite college sporting team. You can fit in with the hometown crowd at the local sports bar, tailgate, or stadium, yet still stand out with your support for legalization.


Whenever the mood strikes me I’ll come up with some designs that don’t quite fit any other category. Enjoy these fun radical designs!



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